Thursday, March 31, 2011

This post is kinda boring.

Do you ever wonder, geeze when did I get so boring?
Maybe it's just me. Maybe not. I was on facebook today, and I posted about my cats...again, and I realized I post about some odd things, sometimes boring things a lot. Am I becoming a cat lady?

ok that's going far, but you have to know what I mean right?

Years ago it would be about going out bowling, or hanging out, or the latest weird things I did with my friends, going to crazy concerts with jeff. Don't get me wrong I'm entirely happy with my life and love my kitties, but am I'm getting boring? Do I "Do" anything exciting anymore besides going out to dinner? (well not till after lent that I know I do, it's just cabin fever I guess. I feel this winter is making me boring. I need some sun, some camping, and kayaking, swimming, and bike rides.

I love all the seasons, I am a snow lover. But the time for snow has come and gone, and I'm ready for the 60 degrees please and thank you.

See my thoughts jump.


Well this weekend a little of the adrenaline rush will return. Jeff, Mom and I and a bunch of church goers are hitting up Zoar Valley for some white water rafting. I have to say I am entirely excited, and worried about freezing my toosh off. I hope I don't fall out, but I hope if I do fall out, it's at least made cool and not just because I tripped entering the boat.

I ate dinner tonight! For those of you not knowing, I've had a mad case of stomach bug gargbage. Lost 10 pounds in 5 days! Yea, not good. But tonight I ate a real, non "BRAT Food" dinner. It was delish. The ultimate downside to working with children is that you get EVERYthing they get. Literally. It doesn't matter how long you've worked there, how much vitamin C you get, how much water and veggies you drink, you will still get the pukes, the poops, the colds, the coughs, the scratches, the pink eyes, the strep throats, the whole works. Oh yea, it's greeeeeeeat. But hey, I love those little dudes.

Well I have no idea how this post started, but here's a wrap up,

1. I'm ready for adventures
2. I'm a cat lady in the making
3. Jeff's hot (ok never mentioned, but now you know I like my husband)
4. Winter's over
5. White water rafting
6. Puke.

That's my life for the past week.

oh and here are my cats.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Well let us begin

So I really don't know what to blog about now that I have one. I've had all these ideas for if I ever did, and now, notta. squat. I guess I could update the world on the minor details of my life that are too boring for facebook?

To start with, I am done with college, got myself a nice diploma. My degree is in Communications. What will that get me? GOOD QUESTION. I have a whole long depressing speech on how I think college is a scam, waste of time and money, and a money pit...but that's a rampage I've already done lol, and don't really want to go back to. But yea, I'm a graduate with a who knows what degree.

I LOVE the wedding industry. I would love nothing more to own and run my own reception hall and work with brides, planners, photographers, for ...well ever. I made pretty much everything for my wedding and loved every second of it. Weddings are usually the happiest events ever, I just want to always be apart of them.

I work at a daycare ( I know crazy right, me working with kids?) But I love these little guys. It's only temporary until I find something in my degree, or a Career I want but, I mean these kids change how you see the world. A few make you crazy, but you love LOVE all of them. They say the funniest things. They melt your heart, sometimes your brain. I could write a million things about them. Now I can't say names or anything, but lets just say they've changed my life for the better.  My sister is the head preschool teacher and I'm her assistant. Believe it or not in a work setting we get along amazingly lol I love working with her. There is no person in the world that I can think of that is better with little kids then my sister, and the stuff she comes up with all the time! Lets just say, Michelle Zeller you amaze me.

Married life is pretty much the bomb. aka awesome. People had me nervous about living together after we got married, like it would be so wakeful "finding out all about them" well that didn't really happen. So far nothing has shocked me, sure we fold towels different, he stores the toilet paper out of reach and I fold his underwear unnecessarily, but hey no one's perfect. Honestly living with Jeffrey is like breathing, it's so natural. I'm so comfortable with him, just sitting together on the couch, doing laundry, eating dinner, I swear we were meant for each other. We flow, and I love it. I recommend marrying someone ha, well the right someone for you. ps, premarital counseling is really fun.

Random note, this blog keeps randomly saving on me and it's kinda tweeking me out.

Jeff and I are redoing our house. It wasn't really a fixer-upper, more an updater. It's just old fashioned inside. To get the full effect, check the le-facebook

I have cats, again if you check my facebook that is fairly obvious, so nuff said.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....what else do I tell the electronic world?
OH, I know, I sometimes have really insane dreams, perhaps I shall post them from time to time?

Well homeboys and homegirls thats it for this saturday night, I am an old gal and it's getting to be 11pm which means I need my sleep!

Love you!

I don't like squash either. yuck.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Life as we know it.

That's all life is really, what we know, what we don't know. What I know now is that I have approximately 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 crazy, cool, interesting unique and weird thoughts running through my head at any given time, so what better to do then start writing it down I suppose. Truth to be told my friend Sarah Laurie made a blog and I was thinking, hmm I should do that. My life my be very well just boring for you to read and that's fine. If this sole purpose is to make me feel better, then that works too. Before we begin this journey into my life and thoughts and ideas, there are a few things you should know before entering the ride.

1. Keep legs and arms in the vehicle at all times.
2. I write/ type fast. There will be thousands of typos, misspelled words, poor punctuation, and made up words. Quite frankly I don't care. If it bothers you, you may not want to read.
3. I am a generally happy person 90% of the time, however I tend to write 10X as much when I mad. Please don't read this and think "Yikes, Collettes quite angry all the time!" I'm really not, I just tend to post more when I'm mad at something lol.
4. I will use lol from time to time. Yes, it is annoying. Oh well. My blog, my rules.
5. Sometimes my thoughts will weave in and out. You may  read this and I may go from once sentence to the next and have no idea how my mind made that jump. If you can't follow my line's of insanity, it's cool.
6. I believe in a lot, and I'm very open minded, instead of judging what you read, take time to appreciate the beauty of the individuality of the human race. Let's Coexist people :)
7. I will write about poop all the time. It is a big part of my life and yours too. And, it still is really funny to me.
8.  There is no more  yet

So that's all I can think of for now, but who knows, I can add more right? So with out any further delays, Ladies and gentlemen I present to you "Good, Messy, Fun" also know as,

Collette <3

please sit back and enjoy the ride.

I don't like Zucchini.