Thursday, March 31, 2011

This post is kinda boring.

Do you ever wonder, geeze when did I get so boring?
Maybe it's just me. Maybe not. I was on facebook today, and I posted about my cats...again, and I realized I post about some odd things, sometimes boring things a lot. Am I becoming a cat lady?

ok that's going far, but you have to know what I mean right?

Years ago it would be about going out bowling, or hanging out, or the latest weird things I did with my friends, going to crazy concerts with jeff. Don't get me wrong I'm entirely happy with my life and love my kitties, but am I'm getting boring? Do I "Do" anything exciting anymore besides going out to dinner? (well not till after lent that I know I do, it's just cabin fever I guess. I feel this winter is making me boring. I need some sun, some camping, and kayaking, swimming, and bike rides.

I love all the seasons, I am a snow lover. But the time for snow has come and gone, and I'm ready for the 60 degrees please and thank you.

See my thoughts jump.


Well this weekend a little of the adrenaline rush will return. Jeff, Mom and I and a bunch of church goers are hitting up Zoar Valley for some white water rafting. I have to say I am entirely excited, and worried about freezing my toosh off. I hope I don't fall out, but I hope if I do fall out, it's at least made cool and not just because I tripped entering the boat.

I ate dinner tonight! For those of you not knowing, I've had a mad case of stomach bug gargbage. Lost 10 pounds in 5 days! Yea, not good. But tonight I ate a real, non "BRAT Food" dinner. It was delish. The ultimate downside to working with children is that you get EVERYthing they get. Literally. It doesn't matter how long you've worked there, how much vitamin C you get, how much water and veggies you drink, you will still get the pukes, the poops, the colds, the coughs, the scratches, the pink eyes, the strep throats, the whole works. Oh yea, it's greeeeeeeat. But hey, I love those little dudes.

Well I have no idea how this post started, but here's a wrap up,

1. I'm ready for adventures
2. I'm a cat lady in the making
3. Jeff's hot (ok never mentioned, but now you know I like my husband)
4. Winter's over
5. White water rafting
6. Puke.

That's my life for the past week.

oh and here are my cats.

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